

PASS is committed to meeting the needs of its students and striving for inclusion and 访问 to all Pitzer classes, 项目, 和活动. This is done through determining reasonable accommodations or by redesigning aspects of the campus experience.


Reasonable accommodations are determined following an individualized assessment of each request. Among the factors considered in determining reasonable accommodations for students are:

  • 学生残疾的性质
  • 该学生过去使用过的住宿条件
  • Whether the requested accommodations will allow the student to effectively 访问 and participate in the course or program
  • Whether the requested accommodations will alter the essential requirements of the course or program.


步骤1: 完成学术住宿申请并提交文件

Fill out the application and upload 你r documentation to our online accommodation system using the following link: 学术住宿申请. If this is 你r first time requesting accommodations, submit documentation preferably 至少两周 第一次考试前. Newly admitted students are advised to to start this process one they have confirmed admission to Pitzer, 6月1日前.

证明文件应包括: 具体的诊断, 医疗保健专业人员的执照和经验, 受影响的主要生活活动, 参加推荐十大正规网赌网站大学推荐十大正规网赌网站所需的住宿清单. 文件指引可在以下连结找到: 文档的指导方针.


电邮至 (电子邮件保护) 安排时间与我们的工作人员会面,检查您的住宿情况, 讨论过程, 回答你们的任何问题. You are responsible for setting up this appointment in order for 你r accommodations to be established.


一旦在PASS注册, 每学期 students will need to log into their accommodation portal to request their accommodations for their new courses. 请要求住宿 至少1周 考试前.

A step-by-step guide on how to request 你r accommodation letter in the portal can be found at the following link: 如何申请本学期的住宿.

If 你 utilize exam accommodations, 你’ll also use the portal to schedule exams with the SDRC. Pitzer的学生至少应该安排他们的考试 7个工作日前 to the exam to ensure there is enough room and time to effectively accommodate the request.

SDRC安排考试的分步指南可在此链接中找到: 如何安排考试.

If 你 have notetaking accommodations, 你 will also need to request notes 每学期. 你可以在这个链接上找到要求做笔记的步骤说明:  如何索取笔记.

步骤4: 跟进任何住宿后勤

如果有任何顾虑, 问题, 或者需要解决的困难, please contact PASS soon as possible to ensure that 你r accommodations are rendered in a timely manner. We will quickly do our best to facilitate the accommodation process and offer support.

注意: It is important to follow the established timelines because a failure to do so may result in an inability on the part of the college to provide requested assistance in a timely manner. 住宿 不具追溯力 and both our office and faculty must be allowed sufficient time to implement the accommodations. Extenuating circumstances are determined by our office and can include sudden acute onset of a psychological condition, 住院治疗, 现有残疾的突然发作, 受伤, 最近出现残疾或残疾相关并发症, 文件的不当延误, 或者晚加一门课. 在这种情况下, 学术支援服务 will assist with arrangements to provide accommodations and support.


我们提供各种各样的住宿和服务. 以下是PASS可以提供的示例:

    • 记事的支持

    • 延长考试时间

    • 私人考试区

    • 辅助技术


The Student Disability Resource Center is the centralized resource center for support for students with disabilities across the 7C campus communities. The SDRC works closely with the Disability Coordinators on all the campuses to ensure that students receive academic support services and accommodations to empower them to achieve their academic goals, while ensuring equitable treatment and 访问 to all 项目 和活动 across all campuses. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 SDRC网站.

请注意,一些但不是所有的分班考试都是不计时的. If 你 are an incoming first year student and 你 need to request accommodations for 你r placement exams, 请联系PASS,我们将协调您的住宿. 


在高中时, services were implemented by a team of educators and parents with an aim toward promoting 你r 成功. 当你进入大学后,责任就转移了. 你必须通过联系PASS寻求帮助来安排 访问.

This is a fundamental change in the way that 你 relate to instructors and advisers; as a college student, 你现在可以开始所有的服务和住宿, 自我宣传将发挥更大的作用. 学生必须能够描述自己的残疾, 确定优势和劣势, 确定任何需要的调整,以及如何成为一个称职的自我倡导者. For more information on the differences between high school and college for students with disabilities please visit the following links: 





  • 大学的课程安排与高中不同. Classes can vary in length and days per week; 你 may have a Tuesday/Thursday class that is 90 minutes long and a Monday class that meets for 3 hours once per week.
  • 学生们应该记录重要的日期并管理他们的时间. 你将负责安排自己的时间来完成作业, 研究, 吃饭, 放松和享受.
  • 教授不会检查你是否完成了作业, and often times they won’t remind 你 of important due dates or exam dates coming up. Most professors will provide all due dates in advance in the course syllabus that 你’ll receive on the first day of class.
  • Instructors often plan their courses so that students do a lot of their learning outside of class including acquiring knowledge and facts from outside reading and library research.
  • Most 成功ful students expect to spend 2-3 hours of 研究ing for each hour they are in class, 残疾学生可能需要多计划几个小时.
  • 为第一轮考试做好准备. 它们往往与学生的期望大相径庭. 不要等待帮助! Go to the professor’s office hours, utilize tutoring, the writing center, and academic coaching.
  • Professors in different courses usually schedule tests without regard to the demands of other courses or outside activities.
  • 教授可能不会遵循教科书. 而不是, 放大文本, 他们可能会给出说明, 提供背景资料, 或者讨论推荐十大正规网赌网站你正在学习的主题的研究. 或者他们可能会期望  将讲座/课堂讨论与课本阅读联系起来.
  • 教授希望你能从同学那里得到你错过的课堂笔记.
  • 教授通常都很开放,乐于助人, 但大多数人希望你主动联系,如果你需要帮助.
  • Testing is usually infrequent and may be cumulative, covering large amounts of material. 你,而不是教授,需要整理材料来准备考试. 一门特定的课程在一个学期可能只有2到3次考试.

Pitzer的学生有机会 学术指导和其他资源. An academic coach focuses on helping 你 with learning strategies and life management skills which, 反过来, 授权你 成功管理学术需求.


  • Students who begin college after high school may not only be adjusting to a new learning environment but very possibly, 甚至一个新的城市和朋友.
  • 这可能是他们第一次独立生活. 他们可能需要学会预算他们的钱, 烹饪, 维持一套公寓, 洗衣服, 学习如何和室友住在一起.
  • 学生需要学习如何 管理/处理冲突无论是和室友、同学还是小组. 

推荐十大正规网赌网站的学生可以接触到很多 支持精神卫生和保健的资源, and to help navigate difficult life situations that might come up while in college.